
Coronavirus cases update in Bali Province, Saturday 21 August 2021

Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2021 pukul 21.31 (3 tahun yang lalu) | Oleh Admin

Coronavirus cases update in Bali Province, 



Security team and all institution have conducted the measures to stop Covid-19 spread. For example advising people to wear the mask both for those who are sick or even healthy, with the tagline “your mask protect me and vice versa”. Protecting our selves by droplets is most important thing, besides implementing self-hygiene, washing hand in the flowing water routinely and doing physical and social distancing as well. 


Data as of  August 21th, 2021, recovered patients are 1.197 people to become 88.512 in total, positive cases are increased by  849 patients to become 101.557 in total, Death tolls added 57 to become 3.063 to make an active cases of the day, 9.982 remaining.